
It starts with a lie

I was hurt. That's how all stories of healing start out. I was hurt, badly. Circular thinking led me to believe that it was my fault, that I deserved it, that it was my punishment. That thinking never brought me anywhere good. In fact, that kind of thinking kept me hurting for a lot longer than necessary. The object of my ire, the reason for my pain for the last ten years has been "Church-People," not Christians, as I differentiated them in my mind. Church-People are the modern day Pharisees who took pleasure in their judgments of me and my sin. They are the ones who kick the broken when they are down, and I was low. They caused me this pain. They did this to me! But, of course, they didn't. Although, the Phariseeical actions of a few certainly added to the whole mess. Sin, it's what makes hurting people hurt people. But I am getting ahead of myself. You see, I thought it was the hurt that really started this journey, but it wasn't. It was the lies. The lie